Use Case 5: Public Health Reporting
The new ONC HTI1 regulation and the CMS rule requires eligible clinicians and hospitals to report data to public health for many use cases including electronic Case Reporting, Central Cancer Registry Reporting. Along with these regulations there are multiple modernization activities to receive data using FHIR APIs. For states to implement these capabilities, they need a solution that can keep the existing data feeds and add new methods of receiving data.
Current solutions provided to states are high cost and are one-off integrations where new methods are added to receive data but are not integrated into their existing back-end systems requiring additional burden on the states to develop either reporting tools for the new formats or add converters to transform to existing formats.
iX DataBridge has the necessary FHIR capabilities to receive any data from provider organizations using different kinds of APIs and is capable of transforming the data into C-CDA formats or other flat file formats including CSV or Text to feed into the existing pipelines for analysis and reporting. Further, if additional data is needed by Public Health, the iX DataBridge already has the ability to pull data from the providers and can be leveraged immediately on deployment.